Our picture re-take schedule is as follows: ICGS will be tomorrow November 8th. ICMS/ICHS will be Tuesday, November 14th. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
6 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Picture Re-Takes 2023
Veterans Day Assembly On Thursday, November 9, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. in the Illini Central High School gym, Illini Central is hosting a Veterans Day Assembly. This assembly is open to all veterans and active-duty military personnel and their families. Lunch will be provided for all veterans attending. We hope to see you there! For more information, please contact Mr. Kloba (kkloba@illinicentral.org) or Ms. Davis (hdavis@illinicentral.org).
6 months ago, Mr. Kloba
Just posted the Illini Central Breakfast & Lunch Menus to the website for November. They can be found at the following links or on the Illini Central app under Dining: Breakfast: https://5il.co/283wp Lunch: https://5il.co/283x3 #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
6 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Alliance Community Bank of Mason City and Illini Central High School are pleased to present Lucia Leamon with the September Student of the Month Award. For demonstrating outstanding character, Lucia receives an Amazon gift card from Alliance Community Bank and an Amazon gift card from the Illini Central High School faculty. Lucia is the daughter of Chet & Liz Leamon. Lucia has shown great resolve and excellence this year while taking Resource Management, Government and Civics, AP Calculus, Advanced Chemistry 2, Dual Credit Composition, Advanced Spanish 4, and Band. Lucia is the Mu Alpha Theta President and Student Council Treasurer. She is also a member of the National Honor Society, Art Club, Spanish Club, Spanish Honor Society, Scholastic Bowl, and Pep Band. Outside of school, Lucia enjoys working with youth as a Park District referee for youth soccer. After graduation, Lucia plans on attending ICC and then transferring to a four-year university and majoring in Geology. Congratulations, Lucia! Thank you for all of your contributions to Illini Central over the years. We are wishing you nothing but the best in the future. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
6 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Lucia Leamon Named ICHS September Student of the Month
Good afternoon, Tomorrow, October 31st, Illini Central Schools will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. for school improvement meetings. Pre-K will have their Halloween Half Day tomorrow from 8 a.m.-10:30 a.m. There will be no bussing for Pre-K students; they must be dropped off and picked up from school. As tomorrow is Halloween, preK and grade school students may wear their costumes to school for the spirit day as long as they do not include masks, weapons, or gore. Middle and high school students wishing to wear their costumes may do so if they pay $1 outside the office in the morning. Money collected will go towards the community projects of the Interact Club. All costumes must be school-appropriate and follow the guidelines of no masks, weapons, or gore. We hope everyone has a warm and safe Halloween! Jennifer Durbin, Ed. D. Assistant Superintendent
6 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Just a reminder that middle school students will participate in our yearly Erin's Law Presentations. Parent letters were sent home with students last week and should have been signed and returned only if parents do NOT want their student(s) to participate. If you did not sign a letter but do not want your child to listen to these presentations, please let Mrs. Arms know ASAP.
7 months ago, Andrea Arms
High school students who qualified for our PBIS incentive will have ice cream and a movie day on Tuesday, October 31st. We will also be having a door decorating contest to match our PBIS Character Trait of Kindness for the months of November and December. Students who qualified passed all their classes and had no referrals. Students who showed significant improvement in their behaviors received a "turnaround award" and are attending also. We are so proud of our students for all their hard work during the 1st quarter! We hope all students will qualify for the second quarter's incentive!
7 months ago, Annie Baugher
Last call for anyone looking to purchase Cougar Gear from The Illini Central Athletic Boosters' Winter Apparel Store. Use the following link to place your order today! https://illinicentral2023.itemorder.com/shop/home/ Thank you in advance for your support of Illini Central Sports & our boosters! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
7 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Cougar Gear Winter Store
Once again this year, The Class III would like to help recognize students who show what #WeAreIC means. To us, #WeAreIC can be represented by many things. It can represent academic improvement, going above and beyond, positivity, selflessness , responsibility, respect, and many other things. Mr. Crause has recognized Junior Zoey Thomas for portraying what it means to be #WeAreIC.
7 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Zoey Thomas #WeAreIC
Middle school students who qualified for our PBIS incentive will have ice cream at the park this afternoon. Students who qualified passed all their classes and had no referrals. Students who showed significant improvement in their behaviors received a "turnaround award" and are attending also. We are so proud of our students for all their hard work during the 1st quarter! We hope all students will qualify for the second quarter's incentive!
7 months ago, Annie Baugher
The regular board of education meeting will be held at 7:00 pm in the public library. Here is the link to the Google Meet: meet.google.com/mrz-equo-wmb
7 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
ICMS will have a school dance Friday, October 27th from 6-8pm in the cafeteria. $6 to get in. Concessions will be available for purchase as well. We will also be selling glow in the dark items. Students are allowed to wear school appropriate costumes, but it is not required. It is not a costume dance. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
7 months ago, Mr. Wherley
ICMS Dance Fall 2023
Illini Central Senior Lucas Power was named LTEC Criminal Justice September Student of the Month. Lucas is enrolled in the Criminal Justice program at LTEC this year and is planning to pursue a career with the Illinois State Police following graduation. Lucas's teacher at LTEC is former Illini Central teacher Mr. Donnie Bowman. Congratulations, Lucas...we are proud of you. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
7 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Lucas Power Named LTEC September Student of the Month
Correction from previous message: There are no morning or afternoon PreK classes on Thursday.
7 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Good afternoon, Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4th, and Thursday, October 5th, Illini Central schools will dismiss at 2:00 p.m. for parent-teacher conferences. On Wednesday, the PreK afternoon classes will dismiss at 2:00 p.m., and there are no afternoon classes for students in PreK on Thursday. Parent-teacher conferences allow families to connect with teachers to discuss their students' progress. If you still need to sign up for conferences, contact your child’s teacher or the building secretary to schedule a time. This Friday, October 6th, and Monday, October 9th, students will not be in attendance at Illini Central. School will resume the regular schedule on Tuesday.
7 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Illini Central CUSD189 will hold a special Board of Education meeting prior to its regular monthly meeting to hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 19, 2023 for the purpose of receiving testimony on the District’s proposed application for waiver of state board rules and/or school code mandates. The hearing will be convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Mason City Public Library. The regular meeting will follow the hearing. Specifically, the district wishes to submit a waiver of section 17-1.5 of the School Code which limits administrative costs to a maximum of 105% of the previous fiscal year’s expenditure. For Fiscal Year 2024, the district proposes a 63% increase over the FY2023 budget. This expenditure increase is due to the creation of an assistant superintendent position for the 2023-2024 school year only. This position was created to ease the transition of a retiring superintendent, a retiring bookkeeper, and a new middle and high school principal.
7 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Picture Day will be next week for Illini Central. Wednesday, October 4th for the Pre-K through the 5th Grade. Thursday, October 5th for the middle & high school. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
8 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Fall Picture Days 2023
Parents and Guardians, There appears to be a glitch when trying to schedule the following teachers: Mr. Damann, Mrs. Van Tine, Mrs. Jasko, Mr. Tobolaski, Mr. Theleritis, and Ms. Lindsay. If you would like to schedule a time with one of these teachers, please send them an email to schedule a time. Thank you, and I am sorry for the inconvenience. Mr. Kloba
8 months ago, Mr. Kloba
Parents and Guardians, You may now use Skyward to schedule your parent-teacher conferences. I have included a link to directions on how to schedule your child's conferences. You do not need to schedule a meeting with your child's Advisory, WIN, or support. If you need any assistance, please call the office. Thank you. teacher.https://5il.co/25srx
8 months ago, Mr. Kloba
IC schools will dismiss on Wednesday, September 27 at 11:30 am. The IC Pre-K program will hold a half-day event for parents and students running from 8 am to 10:30 am. There is no bussing for Pre-K students tomorrow.
8 months ago, Mike Ward