Today’s weather forecast calls for potentially dangerous storms forming in the mid afternoon. As a result, Illini Central schools will dismiss classes today at 1:15 pm. There will be no afternoon Pre-K program. Tonight’s activities are also canceled.
about 1 year ago, Mike Ward
Tonight is opening night! The Illini Central Music Department presents The Trail to Oregon! The information regarding the 3 night run of performances can be found on this flyer. Come out & enjoy these shows and support our talented students! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
The Trail to Oregon!
The April breakfast & lunch menus have been posted on the district page of the website under the Quick Links tab. You can also find the Daily menus on the Illini Central app. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
Mrs. VanTine's Intro to Art students have made some amazing scratch art animals! I love walking through the hall and see these guys looking back at me. We have some very talented students at ICHS!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Durbin
Illini Central Schools will dismiss on Wednesday, 3/29/23, at 11:30 for a school improvement planning day. The Pre-K will not hold classes, but will host a Transportation Fair for Pre-K students 8-10:30.. Attendance is optional for Pre-K students.
about 1 year ago, Mike Ward
IC wants to help remind community members: Are you enrolled in #Medicaid or #CHIP? As early as February, states will start sending eligibility renewal letters that must be returned! To stay covered, you must: 🧭 Update your contact info 📮Check your mail ✍️Fill out and return your form I f you lose coverage, immediately contact a navigator or enrollment assister to see if you can re-enroll in Medicaid or to check if you qualify for subsidized coverage through the ACA Marketplace. For more, visit and (1.800.318.2596) or your state's marketplace.
about 1 year ago, Lori Avart
Are you enrolled in #Medicaid or #CHIP? As early as February, states will start sending eligibility renewal letters that must be returned! URL To stay covered, you must: 🧭 Update your contact info 📮Check your mail ✍️Fill out and return your form If you lose coverage, immediately contact a navigator or enrollment assister to see if you can re-enroll  in Medicaid or to check if you qualify for subsidized coverage through the ACA Marketplace. For more, visit and (1.800.318.2596) or your state's marketplace.
I apologize for any confusion. The date for high school graduation is May 28th at 2:00 pm.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Durbin
What is the weather going to be today? Mrs. Nissen's Kindergarten class + The Class is happy to share this Weather Report with you! Enjoy & have a great Spring Break IC students & staff! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
The March Cougar Chat is available here:
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Durbin
Cougar Chat
The IC Board of Education will hold its monthly meeting tonight at 7:00 pm at the Mason City Public Library. The Google Meet link is
about 1 year ago, Mike Ward
Alliance Community Bank of Mason City and Illini Central High School are pleased to present Nick Horn with the February Student of the Month Award. For demonstrating outstanding character, Nick receives an Amazon gift card from Alliance Community Bank and an Amazon gift card from the Illini Central High School faculty. Nick is the son of Joseph and Laurie Horn. His classes this year include Literacy Leadership, Graphic Design, Chorus, American Government and Civics, Band, Percussion, Psychology, Resource Management and Independent Art. Nick is the Tech Director for the high school musical as well as a member of the pep band for basketball games. As part of the Literacy Leadership class, Nick has help fund the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Additionally, Nick participates in Art Club, My Alpha Theta, and the Homecoming Committee. After graduation, Nick plans to attend Lincoln Land Community College for his general education courses and then transfer to a four-year university for a bachelor's degree in music, fine arts, or music education. Congratulations, Nick & thank you for all of your contributions to Illini Central through the years! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
February Student of the Month
Good morning Illini Central families & students, This Monday is the start of ICGS Spirit Week! Here are the dress-up themes for each day from the 13th through the 17th. Please share to help pass the word! Have a great weekend! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
ICGS Spirit Week Spring 2023
This year’s yearbook is going to include a Senior Spotlight page where parents/guardians can purchase a spot in the yearbook for $20 (see example below). This will include up to 2 pictures and a congratulatory paragraph of up to 4 sentences. If this is something that interests you, the money, images, and paragraph/sentences need to be turned in to Mrs. Van Tine by March 15, 2023. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
Senior Spotlight
The Class shot some video a few weeks ago of Miss Erlandson's ICGS Physical Education classes participating in her Stations unit. The students love this unit every you can tell by their activity! Enjoy this compilation video! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
Paper forms for the ICMS Middle School Yearbook are now available and are due no later than March 7, 2023. Forms are available from your WIN teacher or pick one up at the table outside the office. The price for a Middle School yearbook is $12.00. We are partnering with HRImaging to directly order through their website: Click on the blue “Order Now!” banner, type “Illini Central Middle School”, then enter the student’s first and last name to ADD TO CART. The yearbooks will be delivered before the end of this school year. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
ICMS Yearbooks
Congratulations to our own Mr. Kelly Damann, ICHS/ICMS Band & Chorus Teacher for being honored by the ISBE. The award is for Meritorious Service in the Early Career Educator category. We are blessed by the difference you are making in our students' lives. #WeAreIC
about 1 year ago, Mr. Wherley
Mr. Damann Honored
Freshmen Parents/Guardians, Your student has a field trip to Lincoln Land TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 28th. We will be going to Pizza Ranch for lunch. The cost for lunch is $10. Please have your student bring money for lunch or let Mrs. Baugher know if this is a concern. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Annie Baugher
The 2023-2024 School Calendar has been approved by the Regional Office of Education and is now official. The calendar can be found here:
about 1 year ago, Mike Ward
Freshmen Parents/Guardians, Your student has a field trip to Lincoln Land on Tuesday, February 28th. We will be going to Pizza Ranch for lunch. The cost for lunch is $10. Please have your student bring money for lunch or let Mrs. Baugher know if this is a concern. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Annie Baugher
Illini Central Schools will dismiss on Wednesday, 2/22/23, at 11:30 for a school improvement planning day. There will be no Pre-K tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Mike Ward