As we near the end of the school year, it is important that we collect all of our Chromebooks, chargers, and hotspot devices. Looking forward to 2021-2022, we will continue to provide this 1:1 technology, and students will be issued a Chromebook next year. As a result, we want to be able to bring all of the devices back to school in order to address any maintenance issues, make any repairs, and prepare them for distribution next year.  

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping us achieve this. 

In-Person Students:

May 27, 2021 is the final day of student attendance.  Students must bring their Chromebook and charger to school that day.  Middle and high school students will leave their devices in their last hour class.  Grade school students will leave their devices with their classroom teacher.  

If your family has checked out a hotspot device, we ask that you please send the device and charging cable with your student on the last day of school. 

Remote Learning Students:

For students who are engaged in remote learning, we ask that you please deliver your device and charger to school on Friday, May 28, 2021.  A staff member will be present at the “A” door to collect your device.  The “A” door is the main high school entry that is located under the awning on the east side of the school. Collection begins at 8:00 am and closes at 3:00 pm. 

If your family has checked out a hotspot device, we ask that you please drop off the device and  charging cable at this time.  

If your child is attending summer school, we will reissue a Chromebook on the first day of the program.  


Please be sure to include the Chromebook charger in your return.  These Chromebooks will be distributed again next year, and it is important that we have the charging cable.  The charger will be kept with the Chromebook.  

We will be checking in each device and charger.  Your child will be issued the same device next year.

Replacement costs will be charged for equipment that is not returned. 

Hotspot devices will be disabled effective May 28, 2021.