Illini Central CUSD189 will hold a special Board of Education meeting prior to its regular
monthly meeting to hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 for the purpose of
receiving testimony on the District’s proposed application for waiver of state board rules and/or
school code mandates. The hearing will be convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Illini Central Grade
School Library in Mason City. The regular meeting will follow the hearing.
Specifically, the district wishes to submit a waiver of section 17-1.15 of the School Code which
limits administrative costs to a maximum of 105% of the previous fiscal year’s expenditure. For
Fiscal Year 2021, the district proposes a 27% increase over the FY2020 budget.
This expenditure increase is due to the creation of an administrative assistant position to support
the district office. This position was created beginning in the 2020-2021 school year.

Posted 10/21/22