A big day on the construction site… the concrete for the gym floor is being poured today! The final gym floor will be wood, but the concretehas to be done first.The mezzanine (for the air handler unit) was also poured this week. It’s looking more and more like a school!
5 days ago, Jennifer Durbin
Sign ups have started for Lady Cougar Volleyball Camp. The camp will be open to students currently in grades K-7. Forms were sent home with the ICGS students. ICMS students can pick up a form outside of the ICHS/ICMS office. They can also be found at this link from our website: https://5il.co/2jzcd #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
9 days ago, Mr. Wherley
2024 Volleyball Camp
Mark your calendars... 6th Grade Orientation is Wednesday, August 7th from 6:00-7:30 Freshmen Orientation is Thursday, August 8th from 6:00-7:30 #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
9 days ago, Mr. Wherley
Mark Your Calendar
Just a reminder that IC schools will dismiss at 11:30 am today, April 24, 2024.
14 days ago, Mike Ward
We have a few openings for next year! Please share with anyone who might be interested.
15 days ago, Jennifer Durbin
We have a few openings for next school year! Please share with anyone who may be interested.
15 days ago, Jennifer Durbin
Openings @IC
The ICGS PTO is hosting a 4 day fundraiser with Double Good popcorn, an Illinois company with the freshest popped popcorn that is delicious and unique. Please check out the link below to order yours today. ICGS PTO appreciates all your continued support! https://popup.doublegood.com/s/6a63kxp1 #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
15 days ago, Mr. Wherley
ICGS PTO Fundraiser
We are excited to present the new Illini Central CUSD #189 Strategic Plan that was created out of a committee of teachers, administrators, board members, and parents. Please watch this quick video that explains the goals of the plan: https://youtu.be/8HcgBcw5Jms
16 days ago, Jennifer Durbin
Next Tuesday, April 23rd...Mu Alpha Theta will be hosting an after school tutoring session in Mr. Tobolaski's room (58) until 4 p.m. It's one of the last sessions before the end of the school year, so if students need extra help in classes, it's highly suggested to come. If you are not able to make it, you can contact Mr. Tobolaski or Senior Lucia Leamon and we can find a tutor to help you! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
20 days ago, Mr. Wherley
Mu Alpha Theta Tutoring
As you probably know, a solar eclipse will occur on Monday, April 8th, 2024. Students and staff at Illini Central Schools will remain indoors during this time, as will all recesses and PE classes. Classroom teachers may choose to watch the live eclipse broadcast online, but out of caution, we will not allow students to go outside to watch it directly. By the time school is dismissed at 3:00 pm, we will be past the eclipse's peak, and we will encourage students to avoid looking directly into the sun as they leave for the day. If a guardian wants to pick up their child early from school to watch the eclipse, please contact the office and follow attendance procedures.
about 1 month ago, Jennifer Durbin
Alliance Community Bank of Mason City and Illini Central High School are pleased to present Aiden Bradshaw with the February Student of the Month Award.  For demonstrating outstanding character, Aiden receives an Amazon gift card from Alliance Community Bank and an Amazon gift card from the Illini Central High School faculty. Aiden is the son of Alex and Amilee Bradshaw. Aiden has shown great resolve and excellence this year while taking Algebra, American Government and Civics, The Class III, Psychology, Intro to Python Coding, Literature and Film and Web Design. Aiden is a member of Mu Alpha Theta, Basketball Manager, the Creator and host of Student Feud, and an actor in the spring play. Outside of school, Aiden volunteered at the Arlee Theatre. After graduation, Aiden plans to attend college to work on a major in game development and design while working to pay his debt. Congratulations, Aiden! Thank you for all of your contributions to Illini Central over the years. We wish you nothing but the best in the future. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
about 1 month ago, Mr. Wherley
Illini Central February Student of the Month - Aiden Bradshaw
Reminder: tomorrow is our high school state testing for the PSAT and SAT. Please make sure your student arrives on time, or they will not be admitted to their testing room, and he/she will have to make up the test on an instructional day. Testing will start promptly at 8:00. Below are the tests that each grade will be taking: Freshmen: PSAT 8/9 Sophomores: PSAT 10 Juniors: SAT Seniors will have a Capstone Workday. The Capstone Workday will be at the Mason City Community Chapel. Students will be bussed to the chapel promptly at 8:00. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Seniors will return to the school once testing has concluded. After testing, there will not be any instruction taking place. We will have a study day/free activity day since testing is exhausting and strenuous. We will allow students to leave school early with permission from his/her parent/guardian. Testing will conclude approximately between 12:30 and 1:00. Permission slips to leave early should have already been turned in to the office.
about 2 months ago, Melissa Barnes
It's been a busy week on the construction site! Roof and walls on the Fitness Barn, floors in the shop, and electrical conduit to the building!
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
fitness barn
fitness barn
It's been a busy week on the construction site! Roof and walls on the Fitness Barn, floors in the shop, and electrical conduit to the building!
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
fitness barn
fitness barn
This coming Monday, Sophomores will be taking a field trip to ICC in East Peoria for a campus visit. ICC is providing a pizza buffet lunch for our students. Students will be back at ICHS around 1:30. This coming Tuesday, Juniors will be going to Bradley in Peoria for their Regional College Fair. Students will need to bring lunch money as they will be stopping for lunch on the way back at a variety of fast food options.
about 2 months ago, Melissa Barnes
Correction from the last message with an incorrect date...this will take place tomorrow March 14th. The date in the previous post was wrong.
about 2 months ago, Mr. Wherley
On Monday, a tragic bus accident took place involving staff and students from the Rushville-Industry school district. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims of this horrible tragedy and we want to help. Tomorrow, Thursday March 13th, we will be hosting a Hat Day at Illini Central to raise money for the families of those involved in the accident. Students can donate $1 or more to wear a hat to school that day. All of the proceeds will be given to the families of the victims. Middle School and High School students can make their donations in the gym before school and receive a sticker to show they have made a donation. Grade School teachers will collect the money from their students in the morning. Thank you for your support.
about 2 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Rocket Strong
Wednesday, March 20th, is our high school state testing for the PSAT and SAT. Please make sure your student arrives on time that day, or they will not be admitted to their testing room, and he/she will have to make up the test on an instructional day. Testing will start promptly at 8:00. Below are the tests that each grade will be taking: Freshmen: PSAT 8/9 Sophomores: PSAT 10 Juniors: SAT Seniors will have a Capstone Workday. The Capstone Workday will be at the Mason City Community Chapel. Students will be bussed to the chapel promptly at 8:00. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Seniors will return to the school once testing has concluded. After testing, there will not be any instruction taking place. We will have a study day/free activity day since testing is exhausting and strenuous. We will allow students to leave school early with permission from his/her parent/guardian. Testing will conclude approximately between 12:30 and 1:00. If you give your child permission to leave after testing is concluded, please complete the permission slip that was given to them today and return it to school by Friday, March 15th.
about 2 months ago, Melissa Barnes
Here is an updated job openings graphic. We have an immediate Custodian/Grounds worker, bus drivers & kitchen staff positions that need filled as soon as possible. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
2 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Job Openings 3/5/2024